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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You Decide: a wig color!

Hello Penguins!

Last month, it was so cool when you guys chose the medieval background because we heard from so many of you. You totally flooded the blog with your comments (you actually broke a blog comment record!) - and you'll see your first choice tomorrow when the special medieval catalog becomes available!

And today... We've got another challenge for you. We'd love for you to decide on the color for this new wig design that's going to come out in the June Penguin Style!!
So...We really want to hear from you!! Take a look at the sketch and the color choices, and let us know if you want blonde, dark red-brown, or blue.We'll announce the results on Monday - and you'll get to wear the winning wig when the catalog comes out on June 5!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Red Chile, President :)

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