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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Contest :)

So, New Contest :)
Well, Today I Decided to Give A New Contest..Yay!!

So, I Decided to Have A Double Contest. "WOW RED CHILE, YOUR CRAZYY" btw im not! :P

So, As Alot of You Know. I Have A Prize Shop :) Well I Want Everyone, to hear about the Prize Shop. So If you know how to make videos, I Would love for you to make A Prize Shop Commercial. The Winner will get to share one of my Personal Penguins :)
Send in Your Videos, by giving me the link to it. At

The Other Contest is Naming My White Puffle :)
So I'm Kinda, not good at Puffle Names. Im A Bad Puffle Namer :P lolz
So, I Want You to Help Me Out!
Here is A Little Bit about My Puffle:My Puffle Loves the Snow and Winter, it is A Girl, She is very out going :)
Give Me Your Best Puffle Names, You Only have One Chance so think Hard!
Comment, The Name of The Puffle :)
Winner Gets A Member Penguin :)

You Can Enter Both Contets, If You'd Like :)


kiwi23 said...

umm lets think idk o wait i got one how bout whitegal lol

kiwi23 said...

ummm video i ahve no idea i can make screen shots lol

Farmer Rich(Cpg Mod) said...

bubbly will be a good name it fits all the stuff she is

RedSoxGirl72 said...

Bristol, I'm not sure, but it's kinda a cool name! Maybe Flurry, or Aurora?

Stickie408(CPH President) said...



Dannyboi77 said...

I gots an idea! how bout snowball?

Happywagon (CPG Mod) said...

Redsoxgirl72... haha, it's spelt Brystal Not Bristol. (P.S. Brystal is my dogs name in real life)

Techdeckguy said...

Name it Marcell

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

ok heres mine
whats my name
if it can fit but if not then
some puffle

Tboyman said...

Tissue LOL loves winter when ppl sneeze in the winter and with snow, and out going bcuz ppl use her alot.
