
How Many Penguins Are Here Right Now?


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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wig Challenge

Hello Penguins!

Talk about hair-raising madness all over the island - There have been so many awesome groups of penguins who are all wacky and wigged out! It was hard to choose. But our favorite group was probably this one:
We loved all the wig talk! If you didn't make it into this shot, we'll be doing more of these mini-challenges. What do you think?

Congratulations to everyone who wore wigs! Don't forget that the new Penguin Style will be out on Friday and some amazing costumes will be available to get you ready for the olde knightly adventures that await ye.

Until then...Waddle on!

-Red Chile :)


Dudett44 said...

arrrghh! too many wigs! lol


Anonymous said...

Why is there no more wig catalog? Me can't buy wigs anymore?