
How Many Penguins Are Here Right Now?


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Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Fans :)

Me and some of My Awesome Fans, Joined on Club Penguin today.
We were chatting on Mimo Chat, then we decided to get on :)
Thank You Awesome Fans :)
-Red Chile, President


wii wii wii1 said...

i cant come i got school soz so i cant come to the penguin games can they possibly be held like 3:00pst otherwise i cant come

Dudett44 said...

i am ur fan!!! GO RED CHILE!!!!

Anonymous said...

haha. How do you even take pictures?

Anonymous said...

i cant go either matt cant even come lol everyone has school that time lol

Anonymous said...

you can take screenshots by pressing the PRT SCR button on your keyboard.

- Pini Soferta CPT Mod